The second LEVERAGE LESSON to learn from Pastor Poju’s speech is in the 4th item from his list of “5 things innovators do to change their world“. They are

  1. They Create a white space in your Heart so as to be able to find new thoughts.
  2. They are focused on that thing you have chosen to do.
  3. They defy the routine and carry do things their own way.
  4. They recruit potent ally that will leverage on the things they have produced in order to multiply it.

Number 4 says “THEY RECRUIT POTENT ALLY“. Permit me to teach that from a different perspective. There is no American President have not used the phrase “OUR CLOSEST ALLY“.  You cannot succeed in today’s world without COLLABORATORS (ALLYS).  A lot of Nigerians love to “take the glory” and success does not come that way. Take a look at the list of the world’s ground breaking Innovations below; you will be amazed that none of them was accomplished by one person.

  • FACEBOOK—————————————————–Mark Zukerberg and Eduard Sarveni
  • GOOGLE——————————————————–Larry Page and Sergey Brin
  • HP—————————————————————–Bill Hewlett and David Packard
  • APPLE———————————————————–Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
  • MICROSOFT—————————————————Bill Gates and Paul Allen
  • WARNER BROS— ——————————————–4 Brothers from one family
  • EDISON ELECTRIC LIGHT CO {Electric Bulb) —-Thomas Edison, J.P Moran, Vanderblits
  • WRIGHT CO {First Airplane} —————————-Dayton Wright and Ohio Wright

When you collaborate you will enjoy LEVERAGE…..other people’s money, time, resources, capacity, equipment, experience……Collaboration is the bedrock of the future, Billgates said “Collaboration Breeds Success”, Ford motors confessed “Collaboration Enables Progress“.  GlobalizationIncrease in the need for flexibility, Increase in outsourcing and the Blinding speed of technological growth will force nations, organizations and individuals to partner and collaborate, as such, aligning your paradigm now will be strategic. Everything and anything thing can be done collaboratively, a very important caution will be that you put together a proper collaborative frame work and be wise on the negotiation table which is the crux of my next post. “LEVERAGE LESSON from Pastor Blessing Awosika’s speech of Platform 10.0″

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